Interview with Dana Obleman

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About Dana Obleman

Dana Obleman is the founder of the Sleep sense prpgram. she began her private practice in Vancouver, Canada in 2003. After struggling with her own child’s sleep, she drew on her dual degrees

in Psychology and Education to create The Sleep SenseTM Program, a complete sleep resource for parents which has sold almost 100,000 copies in more than 30 countries.
She’s also the author of 4 books on specific parenting challenges
Dana has built an impressive social media following (half million views on youtube and over 5000 downloads of her podcast within 3 weeks of its launch
Dana has also personally trained a global network of over 150 certified sleep sense consultants to carry on her work in many countries.

Dana lives in Florida with her husband and their 3 children where she continues her life’s work to educate and empower families with healthy sleep habits.


  1. can find out more about Dana’s program by visiting

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