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3 Tools to Help Your Members Engage Inside Your Community
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Here are 3 tools that you can use to help your members engage inside your community. FIRST TOOL - FACEBOOK A lot of people use Facebook groups for various reasons. The main reasons are that a lot of people are already on Facebook, they can...

12 things to consider when choosing a membership site software
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Today we're going to talk about 12 things to consider when choosing a membership site software. There is actually a lot more than 12 things to consider but these are the things that you really want to think about before you choose your...

Are you Protecting Your Membership Site with an SSL Certificate?
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Today we're going to talk about protecting your membership site and actually protecting your public website as well. Because I've seen this happen quite a lot in the last few days and weeks ... What I am seeing is that people are not...

4 Reasons why most online courses and membership sites fail
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT So, let's talk about the four reasons why an online course or a membership will fail. This is what happens to most online courses that people release out there. There are actually very few that are successful. #REASON #1 : POOR PLANNING...

Online Course or Membership Site: How do you choose?
If you've been debating if you should create an online course or membership site you're going to LOVE this short video. You'll learn : The difference between an online course and a membership site, both in terms of content generation and delivery and...

Building a Personal Brand with Jenna Soard from
Jenna Soard is a brand & design expert, and course creation circus master! Her biggest passion in life is helping entrepreneurs find their confidence through developing design, branding and course creation skills. Here is what you'll learn in...

Build A Smart Dashboard To Boost Results and Conversions
In this live training I did on facebook I go over how to build a smart dashboard for your membership site (or online course). Because your membership site can and should be more than just a place to host content that a customer has paid for, it can also be...

Teach online : the 6 key elements that you need
I’ve seen people around me bring their business to a whole new level. Like into the multiple six figures level in less time than it would take to earn that kind of cash using a one on one model (and with less burnout!). How did they do it? They started to teach...

How to choose a membership plugin that works for YOU
You want to setup an Ecourse, online program or recurring membership but you don’t know what membership plugin to choose? This article should help you narrow it down and make the best choice for your business. The biggest mistake you can make is asking people what...

Facebook group or forum, What should you use?
Building a community, whether you're using a facebook group or forum is a great way to keep your members engaged. Because more engagement means more results which means more happy members. So how do you build an engaged community? There are many ways but...